Introduction to basic electric log that is one attempt to determine the hydrocarbon content

In this article will tell you about the basic introduction to electric logs which is one attempt to determine the hydrocarbon content. This is a continuation of my previous article about the introduction of formation evaluation, just to add that earlier did not include the main objective evaluation of formation is:

    1. Identify reservoir

    2. Estimates of hydrocarbon reserves in place

    3. Estimated acquisition of hydrocarbon

    Before talking about the basic introduction to well logging will tell one of the companies that pioneered the measurement of service parameters is a well Schlumberger. The company was founded by two brothers Marcel and Conrad in 1927 to help the oil industry in the search for hydrocarbons. After discussing the mud logs, LWD, rock core analysis, will continue to log in electrical

    Includes electric logs

    1. Spontaneous Potential (Sp) used in the units log curve milivolt (MV) from left to right, -20 to 80 in a linear scale.

    2. Lateral Log in unit log curve ohm / m from left to right, 0.2 - 20 in the longer 3, the division was due to the distance of each instrument of investigation (in logarithmic scale):

    * MSFL (Micro Spherically Foccused log) Frequency <28 Hz

    * Lld (log Lateral Deep) frequency of 35 Hz

    * Lls (Lateral Log Shalow) frequency of 28 Hz

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2 comments to “Introduction to basic electric log that is one attempt to determine the hydrocarbon content”
beni oktopiansah said...

Thanks sudah komentar di blog saya, boleh kasih masukan ya buat blognya Mas :
1. Tampilan oke, tapi jujur saya sbg visitor bingung mau jalan-jalan di blog ini, memilih artikel yang saya minati, contohnya ngak ada tombol home untuk kembali ke halaman awal
2. tema blog nya belum spesifik Mas, coba dech lebih spesifik membahas tentang apa.
itu saja dech dari saya, sering sering maen ke ya

Anonymous said...

iya om tapi memang sengaja ngasih bnyk topik biar seru sama cari anchor buat link di SE gampang..he he he makasih ya dah ngasih clue buat saya..

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